
Are you an worker with a precarious residence or undocumented and do you have a question about your workers’ rights than  you can contact us on the number 0800/12019

 Monday from 9 am to 1 pm

Wednesday from 9 am to 1 pm

Thursday from 1 pm to 4 pm


Are you a social worker, lawyer, friend or family member of a worker, ...?

Then contact us on 02/274 14 31, at the same time as indicated above. You can also mail to

 If you have any questions about domestic work, please call 02/204 06 34.

Given our limited team, we cannot always guarantee we will be available. If you hit our answering machine, leave your telephone number and we will call you back.

 Please do not come to our address without an appointment. We will not receive you; you must make an appointment by telephone or mail.


You can also order our publications this way. You will receive an invoice with the price of the publications and the shipping costs.

  • Undocumented workers: a guide to rights: €1
  • (Dutch) Eerste hulp bij schending van de arbeidsrechten van clandestiene werknemers: een stappenplan: €3
  • (French) Première aide en cas de violations des droits du travail des travailleurs sans-papiers: un plan d’étapes: 3 €
  • (Dutch) Werknemers zonder papieren en hun arbeidsrechten: een juridische handleiding: €10
  • (French) Les droits de travailleurs sans papiers: un manuel juridique: 10 €
  • (Dutch) Arbeidsongeval? Dubbele pech voor werknemers zonder wettig verblijf: een handleiding uit de praktijk: €10
  • (French) Un accident de travail? Les travailleurs en séjour illégal sont doublement pénalisés: un manuel fondé sur la pratique: €10
  • (Dutch) Arbeidsrechten hebben geen grenzen: inspiratieboek: €15



164 rue Gaucheret
1030 Bruxelles

T +32 2 274 14 31