Public (government) services
Industrial Accidents Fund
Service d’inspection
For questions about work-related accidents or to report an accident when you don’t know your boss’ insurance company (or when there is no insurance). You can also go to one of its local centres during fixed hours in the week. Check the website.
Troonstraat 100 Rue du Trône
1050 Brussels
T 02 506 84 11
F 02 506 84 15
Inspection Service supervising compliance with social laws
This inspection service checks workers’ pay and working conditions. You can get information or file a complaint about your pay, the number of hours you work, when you have been fired, and so on. But for work-related accidents and rules about safety at work, see below.
Inspection Service supervising Occupational Health and Safety
This inspection service checks work place health and safety. You can contact it if you have questions or complaints about this. You can find the addresses of the regional offices at the website or by calling the Head Office.
Head Office:
Ernest Blerotstraat 1 rue Ernest Blerot
1070 Brussels
Tel: 02/233 45 11
Fax: 02/233 42 31
Every city and town has its own OCMW or CPAS. You can find its address in the telephone book, at the local town hall, or at:
POD Maatschappelijke Integratie – SPF Intégration sociale
Koning Albert II laan 30 Boulevard Albert II, 1000 Brussel/Bruxelles
02/508 85 85 – –
Or check the website.
Social Inspection
The social inspection checks compliance with the social security laws,and also looks into the responsibilities of employers whenever there is a workplace accident.
Administratief Centrum Kruidtuin – Centre Administrative Botanique
Finance Tower, Kruidtuinlaan 50, Bouvelvard Botanique bus 110
1000 Brussel/Bruxelles
02/528.65.46 – 02/528.65.47
You can find the addresses of the regional offices at the website or by calling the Head Office.